Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

~Edith Lovejoy Pierce

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day

Both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were delightful! On Christmas Eve my students took Bill on a long walk at Point Isabel, while Sensei, thankfully stayed at home relaxing. I do not care for long walks particularly when I could be lying around relaxing instead. When they returned we were given many gifts that included soft toys for us to play with as well as frosted gingerbred cookies that I quite liked. My students were in for most of the day cooking the prime rib dinner for them and their guest, who thankfully did not bring her dogs along. To be honest, I get along quite nicely with her dogs, but more dogs simply means more of Sensei's space being invaded which is not such a good thing.

Christmas Day was enjoyable. My students went out for the afternoon and then came home to be with Sensei and the others. My grandmother sent home a gift for me. It was a soft, plush, wonderful soccerball with a rope attached. She sent one for Bill as well. While I am sure she loves us all, Bill and I are certainly her favorites. I am personally invited to every family function at my grandmothers house, however, I have to look at all the children and other dogs attending and assess if I wish to be with them for the day. On Christmas Day we were all, as planned, fed prime rib and yorkshire pudding. It was delicious and I could eat it every day of my life if they allowed it. Then we all sat down to enjoy a movie together. The movie was not enjoyable. It was a raunchy comedy with a dreadful plot, but they seemed to enjoy it. I just enjoyed the time relaxing with my family.

Currently, my plan is to lie around enjoying the rest of the year.......

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"Christmas is the gentlest, lovliest festival of the revolving year - and yet, for all that, when it speaks, it's voice has strong authority."

~W.J. Cameron

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Sensei is seriously considering publishing my thoughts into a book......


I apologize that I have not been writing as much lately. Sensei tends to be less motivated during the winter months. I step outside only briefly to "do my business" and then come right back in and curl up in my favorite round donut bed.

I love curling up in my cozy bed. The only thing I don't love is the others constantly walking by and disturbing me. I will admit, when it comes to my space, particularly when I am snuggled in my bed, I have little patience for others walking by. Partially, it is because my vision is quite bad and only getting worse as my condition progresses. So, while they might feel that I am just being grumpy and unreasonable, I am really feeling a bit insecure and uncomfortable because I am easily startled. I am working on this, as I am sure that they are working on not walking as close or invading my space.

Other than that, I am quite enjoying the very cold weather and the holiday season so far. I am very much looking forward to Christmas Eve when I will be fed prime rib and yorkshire pudding. Among my favorites. I wish all of my students a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Today, my student made cornbread muffins. It smelled divine. There is nothing like being inside a warm house on a cold, rainy day with cornbread muffins baking. I did not eat any muffins. It isn't the eating of the muffins that I enjoy, it is the smell of the muffins baking and filling our warm house with delicious smells. A Sunday consisting of lounging around inside my toasty house and smelling cornbread muffins baking makes me grateful and happy to be alive....

Pearls of Wisdom

"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers."

~Pablo Picasso

Monday, November 30, 2009

She did it!

She did it. My student gave me the dreaded bath today. As you all know I abhor baths. I absolutely detest being subjected to the porcelain prison and the loathsome shower nozzle. However, I did find it a tad less traumatizing today. Perhaps it is because I know that I will likely feel better and have less desire to scratch after it is over. Maybe it is that I so love the towel drying and profuse apologizing and groveling that my student does while toweling me off. I am not sure. I do know that I still find it an undesirable and hideous activity, but perhaps I may give her less trouble about it. After all, she seems to be doing it to make me feel better....

Friday, November 27, 2009


My student keeps telling me that I need a bath. What nerve! The worst part is that it means she is plotting to subject me to the dreaded porcelain prison, my worst nightmare. The only bright side is the rather pleasant towel drying that comes after. Still facing the loathsome bath is quite upsetting. I shall not go down without a fight!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A Day of Thanks

Today is Thanksgiving. The Day of Giving Thanks. I thought that perhaps, I would share those things that Sensei is thankful for.

Sensei is thankful for my loving students who provide me with a comfortable home, good food and as much love and adoration as I can possibly imagine.

Sensei is thankful for the others. It's true that at times I would prefer to be the only non human living here, the fact is that most of the time, when they respect my boundaries, stay out of my way and act reasonable, I quite like them.

Sensei is thankful for his wisdom. For without it, how could I enlighten all of you.

Sensei is thankful for his health. Despite my impaired vision and allergies, I am quite lucky to be the healthy Peke that I am.

For all of this and so much more, Sensei is thankful.

"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues."


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right; a single experiment can prove me wrong."

~Albert Einstein

Friday, November 20, 2009

New Rules...

Today my student made a new rule that the others are not permitted on the couch, at least for the time being. Seems that they have gotten a bit out of hand and are running quite amuk and she needs to reel them in, so to speak. The new rules, naturally don't apply to Sensei who shall, of course, continue to sleep and sit wherever I choose. Frankly, I am not too interested in being on the couch or on their laps, so even if they attempted to "ban" me, it wouldn't affect me much.

Actually, I think that the new rules are a good idea. She really should have been working on this long ago. It's not that they are bad, it's just that they cannot bear to be away from her and when she is sitting on the couch they are all parasites actually. They really ought to be able to stand on their own four feet and get ahold of themselves. Their adoration is a bit pathetic actually.

My student has also decided to separate them and rotate so that they are not all running wildly loose together. Once again, this rule does not apply Sensei who shall continue to be where and with whomever I choose.

I hope that this new arrangement helps. It will certainly make things more relaxing for everyone, including, most importantly, Sensei.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Cool, crisp, Fall weather... chilly mornings..... quite nice....


As you know, my greatest form of entertainment is leisure. I greatly enjoy comfortably lounging around, however, I also draw pleasure in other more mobile activities.

In jest, I refer to Sonic as a fool. In truth, I am fond of the little guy. Sensei understands that playing and acting foolish once in a while is a good thing. I do believe, however, that these things are best done at home with the ones you know and trust.

I play regularly, daily actually with Sonic. I enjoy chasing and wrestling with him. There are times when he wants to play but a simple "look" will tell him, "not now, perhaps later" and he politely backs off and harrasses someone else. Other times I allow him to climb on my back, pull on my ears, and roll and chase around with him. When I am done, or tire out, I let him know and he simply runs off to find another victim.

You may be surprised to hear that Sensei play like this. That it is not dignified behave this way, but I believe just the opposite. To play is to stay young, to have fun and enjoy laugh. We should all enjoy a little foolish play each day....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"Love does not dominate; it cultivates."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pink Pills

Sensei suffers from dreadful allergies. My allergies cause my skin to itch which makes me have a desire to scratch at it. Scratching at my body damages my beautiful coat and makes me quite uncomfortable.

In response to my scratching, my student checks my body for fleas. I realize she does this to protect me but it's really quite insulting for her to imply that I might carry parasites like some common filthy vagrant. She, of course, never finds any.

My student also worries that Sensei's allergies may be caused by my diet. However, ever since I have come to live here I have always been fed, healthy, allergen free, fish based food. My food is made with Salmon and has no wheat or corn or other ingredients that cause allergies. I have eaten several types of good food, but still, my allergies remain.

It may be that I am allergic to pollens and other things in the area as my allergies can get worse in the springtime. Even so, they remain all year long.

Perhaps I am just allergic to the other dogs that live here that actually ARE a bit filthy. They roll in dirt and other foul substances. They like digging and participating in other unclean and unhealthy activities, but I digress...

Whatever the cause I experience horrible allergies. In order to help Sensei and my body better cope, my student provides me with small, oval shaped, pink pills covered in squeeze cheese. I quite enjoy my morning pill dripping in runny cheddar, so much so that I run to the kitchen whenever I hear any pill bottles rattling that may predict my much loved cheese snack. It's not always cheese, my pills have been delivered in peanut butter, little chunks of meat, cream cheese and sometimes even in "pill pockets" which are clever little liver treats with a hole for my pill. Some mornings I won't even finish breakfast until my pill has been given. They may think differently but I am not being fooled. I don't mind taking my pill at all. I am quite aware that my daily gooey snack has a little surprise hidden inside, but I couldn't care less. Do they not see that I rarely chew my food and prefer to gulp it down, I certainly don't chew my little pill. In fact, I would probably eat the pill without the lucious coating as they do make me feel better, but it's nice to keep them on their toes so I will continue to run to the kitchen each morning and wait for my delicious delivery.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"If you can, help others; if you cannot do that, at least do not harm them."

Dalai Lama

Friday, October 9, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is. "

~Jim Morrison

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Welcome Autumn...

With my lush, thick coat it should come as no suprise that I am not fond of Summer. As I have shared in the past, my students work hard to keep me cool and comfortable but it doesn't stop me from despising those dreaded summer months.

So, it with an open heart that Sensei welcomes the Fall. The crisp cool mornings, the falling leaves and the chilly nights. I look forward to seeing the front grass covered with yellow golden leaves and the crows that seem to appear just as Halloween approaches. The sound of the neighborhood children passing by and greeting our large tree with a face each morning.

I welcome all of what Fall has to offer........Welcome Autumn....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking."

~George S. Patton

Sunday...kayaking, television, gathering

Apparently, my student has taken to kayaking with Sonic. I cannot think of a more revolting way to spend an afternoon. A bath is dreadful enough, but the thought of being completely surrounded by water is unthinkable.

From what I understand, Sonic quite liked it. He didn't mind wading in the water on the beach. He actually enjoyed riding between her legs in the kayak. Personally, I would not have even pretended to enjoy it. The little fool even went swimming with her.

Sensei is thankful that she has Sonic to torture with such activities. I quite enjoyed my own Sunday, lounging around on the floor while my other student watched television. Then, I hosted yet another Pekingese gathering. There were even more Pekingese there than last time. Even Lovely, who I quite liked while she was here made an appearance. Then, home to lounge around some more.

Ahhh....lounging, television, lounging, gathering, lounging.....Sundays.....quite nice....

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"How far that little candle throws its beams! So shines a good deed in a naughty world. "

~William Shakespeare

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


My student is a "dog trainer". What this means is that she schools people on how to effectively teach their dogs. Thankfully, she is committed to accomplishing this task by using only humane, non violent methods. Early on in our relationship we did quite a bit of "training" together. She attempted to teach me to perform a series of simple, yet mindless behaviors such as sitting, which I do quite often on my own without any coaching at all or lying down, which I do even more frequently on my own. I clearly didn't and still don't need instruction on how to place my own body into simple, everyday, comfortable positions, however I entertained the whole thing because I quite enjoyed watching her attempt to get me to do these things when she wanted.

I am impressed at the avenues she took in order to get me do what she wanted. She never attempted to force Sensei. Firstly, that is against her philosophy on how to treat others. Thankfully so as she would have achieved nothing had she tried to use pressure or force with this honorable master. Secondly, she seemed to know that attempting to force Sensei to do anything against my will would be futile.

What she did was simple. She simply did something kind for me in exchange for my doing what she hoped for. Typically, the kindness involved meat of some sort, a bit of chicken or perhaps some roast pork. I quite enjoy a good tidbit, so I complied. There were times when she attempted to push just a bit, such as when she raised the meat over my head to get me to sit. I was a bit insulted by this and left the room. Wisely, she did not attempt again and instead chose to simply wait for Sensei to make a move and then reward me when she felt my choice was acceptable. I quite appreciated that she accommodated Sensei and changed strategies when I indicated her technique wasn't working for me. I showed my appreciation by working to figure out what wanted and complying when I understood.

I found and still find this arrangement quite enjoyable. We don't train together quite as often as we used to due to my impaired vision and her busy schedule, but when we do, we have an enjoyable time together.

It is amusing to think that she believes she is the one doing the training when clearly it is Sensei who is schooling her....

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."


Friday, September 11, 2009


It appears as though my students are taking some sort of holiday. They were up early, rustling around and packing bags.

No bags are being prepared for Sensei.

I believe that they are going camping which sounds dreadful actually... walking around on dirt and dust which is hideous for my coat not to mention my allergies, the heat, plus the abominable car ride....

While I don't appreciate being left out of enjoyable trips, I will quite enjoy the company of my caretaker Michelle who absolutely adores Sensei. If I understand correctly she will be coming by herself and not bringing her foolish young pug along with her, who can be quite exhausting at times. This will ensure more time for her to tend to Sensei. I overheard discussion of Sonic going along with them which will keep him out of my hair for the weekend as well... Yes, this may end up being a quite enjoyable weekend for Sensei after all...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Farewell summer...

I live inside a beautiful, lush, thick, black and tan coat. It is quite luxurious and I would not trade it for the world, however, when the weather gets warmer so then does Sensei. Sometimes during the summer months it is nearly too hot for me to endure. Great measures must be taken to keep me cool.

My student works very hard to keep Sensei comfortable, which can be a challenging task. Plush beds are provided for our comfort, but thankfully, we have cool hardwood floors which allows Sensei to feel some relief from the heat while lying on them. They have also provided fans for Sensei so that I may have a nice, man made breeze to offer some comfort as well. I quite enjoy lying in the path of the fan. When the heat is very unbearable, my students will use a soft mister on us to cool us down. I don't much care for the mister, for no matter how it is delivered Sensei is not fond of water. On truly horribly hot days, my students will sometimes offer me a cool, damp chamois to lie on, however, I tend to prefer the hardwood to the dampness of the wet chamois. Much water is provided so that I may stay hydrated.

Ahhh, what a relief that all of that is looking like a worry of the past as the summer draws to an end. Sensei will now be able to enjoy the more pleasant weather of my preferred seasons Fall and Winter. Farewell summer.....

Friday, September 4, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"But when you talk about destruction, Don't you know that you can count me out"

~The Beatles

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Today my allergy pill was delivered in a "pill pocket" rather than cheese whiz. Quite nice....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed.
Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well."

~Mohandas Gandhi

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lost and then Found.....Finding the Light.....

On your journey through life there will be times when you feel lost. All of us, at one time or another in our lives have felt lost, even Sensei. When you are lost, there is a way.

Before I came to live with my students, I too was lost. I'm not quite sure how it happened, but that matters not, the point is, I was lost. I was living on the streets with no one to rely on except for myself. Perhaps this is why I understand how important it is to have faith in oneself. For I had to have faith, those were dark times for Sensei. Living on the streets, with no food and no water, in 100 degree heat with my black coat. There were times when I was hungry. There were times when I was thirsty. And yes, there were times when I was afraid. I had been wandering for too long....all alone. Then, everything changed....

Sensei did not like wandering alone on the streets like some nomad, but you see, I had no choice. But, what would come next, while better perhaps, was not much better. I was picked up and taken to a prison. I had done nothing wrong, I deserved not to be in prison. But alas, I found myself there. Cold, gray, concrete floors. Large, loud barking dogs. I was very sick, probably from living on the streets. People coming in to look and then going back out again. My weepy eyes, my dreadful cough, my scarred eyeballs, my protruding ribs, I suppose I did not look my best. This may be why they thought I was old. I wasn't, I was just worn and tattered, but I was not old. Yes, those were quite dark times. Was I afraid? Perhaps, but I had faith. Time went by, but I waited and did not lose faith. Then again, everything changed....

My student came to see me. She saw how very thin I was. She let me out of the concrete prison and looked at my face closely. She could see I was not old. She could see I was very sick and I needed immediate care and attention. She knew I could not go on like that in there. She took me home and the light started to creep back in..... Back into my life, back into my eyes and back into my heart...

My students took good care of me. I needed some surgery but was too thin and too sick to risk it. They fed Sensei so that I could gain strength. They administered medication so that I could get well. They washed and brushed my coat which had been chopped off and was dirty and matted so I could look and feel beautiful again. With some time I grew stronger and my coat began to look shiny again. I stopped coughing and my eyes stopped weeping. I gained enough strength and weight to have my surgeries. In two months, I was myself again. I was again who I once was.

The original plan was that they would care for me until I was well and then find me new students to live with. However, as they took care of me and my health began to improve, we grew close. So close that we could not bear to part. They did so much for me that I did not want to leave. We realized that we belonged together and that I should remain. And so, I did.....

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies. My brain and my heart are my temples; my philosophy is kindness. "

~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Porcelain Prison

Recently, I spoke about Instruments of the Devil, the evil contraptions used to torture Sensei's beautiful coat. I did not reveal to you to the worst evil of all.....

Today, I was subjected to abuse when my student placed me inside the large, white, porcelain prison and then thoroughly assaulted me with an equally loathsome water hose. There are few things in this world that Sensei cannot tolerate and this is one of them.

The heinous water shooting at my coat, the wicked soap trying to find it's way into my sensitive eyes..... I cried out in horror.... I could hear the others yelling back to me from the other room.... It was a dreadful event that I wish not experience ever again! However, how lovely it felt to be towel dried in my students arms. She apologized over and over and hugged me and rubbed me with the towel. She dried and dried and kissed me and told me how brave Sensei was and how she adored me. Nearly groveling but enjoyable for Sensei just the same...

Then we went into the other room where I greeted the others who had been awaiting my return. Because of my cries they were worried for me and clamoring around to check on Sensei. I greeted them all and then rolled and rolled and rolled on the cool hardwood floor. I air dried for several hours (she knows better than to try and blow dry me, for that I would surely lose all composure). She carefully brushed out my clean coat later in the evening.

Sensei cannot think of anything more dreadful than being subjected to the porcelain prison, but the drying...... I quite like the drying. A bittersweet experience indeed.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"Real self-mastery is the ability to stay fully present for whatever life brings because we trust who we are."

~Richard Moss

Pearls of Wisdom

"Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens."

~Jimi Hendrix

Friday, August 21, 2009


Fosters. This is what my student calls the vagabonds that she brings here to stay while they are searching for new homes. Having once been a nomad myself, Sensei is sensitive to opening our home to others less fortunate. Yes, it is true, this honorable master was once living on the streets, wandering, learning and teaching. So you see, I have compassion for those lost souls, however, I see no reason to admit non-Pekingese on a regular basis.

I accept and at times even respect the others in my home, however, if we are to reach out and assist, I see no reason not to start with the lost Pekingese of the world. We welcome a seemingly endless string of others which I accept, however, I quite prefer the company of other Pekingese.

Clearly, my student agrees with Sensei, as Pekingese have top priority. This is not to say others are not welcome, only that, if Pekingese are needy, they shall first be taken. As it should be...

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"If you are a dog and your owner suggests that you wear a sweater. . . suggest that he wear a tail."

~ Fran Lebowitz

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Sensei has decided he is not quite content with his cuisine. My students dine on something different every day. Roasted pork, spaghetti, stir fry made from fresh vegetables from the Farmer's Market or Vietnamese salad bowls with a wonderful grilled pork which I quite like. Something different every day. I have decided that I too would like to enjoy different things each day.

Why would my students assume that I would care to dine on the same food every day when they clearly enjoy a wide variety of fresh and delicious foods? I am not implying that the food they prepare for me isn't, for the most part, satisfying and healthy, however, it becomes monotonous eating the same thing every day. For that reason, I have decided to finish my own meals and then help myself to some of Bill's food when he is finished....or even if he isn't. Sensei does not wish to abuse his power, however I will exercise some of it to let Bill know that I would like some of his food. It takes nothing more than a watchful eye. Unfortunately, my student doesn't care for this arrangement and has indicated to me that I should not help myself to Bill's food, which I find a bit irritating. However, Sensei always wishes to keep the peace, so I shall respect that boundary.

My students will need to figure out a way, without upsetting Sensei's body of course, to offer me more of a variety of foods. Perhaps I will have them start adding some fresh cooked food to my meals, this would make Sensei happy and it certainly isn't too much to request considering what I offer them in life lessons.

Yes, I shall indicate that I want more fresh foods, and will let them know I am satisfied by not vocalizing for my meals or staring at Bill for bites of his.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"The more I see, the less I know for sure."

~John Lennon

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Ivy and the Birds

My student keeps an aviary in our garden. It is a fairly small and unintimidating structure and I quite enjoy the soothing coo from the doves and the pleasant cheeps from the finches. Not so for all of us.Ivy, the matriarch of Braveheart is quite flustered by the birds. She can't even walk by without stopping to stare or give the bottom portion of the aviary a few licks. Sometimes she will sit out there for hours just watching them. She is intrigued by the birds. She has very little self control in their presence.

Not only does she stare at the aviary and lick at it, she will also not allow the others to come near it. Not that anyone dares to challenge her. Getting into a physical battle with a Dachshund is rarely worth it. Particularly when it comes to their claim on birds or some other small game. Thankfully, everyone else seems happy to enjoy the birds from a distance which keeps things peaceful.

Try as I might, I cannot understand her fascination. Of course I am aware that these are her natural instincts and that she can't help herself, however, I can't imagine why she finds them so interesting. It's not just birds either, at one time there was a rabbit in a neighboring yard and she could not resist peeking through the holes in the old fence, staring at the rabbits, hoping that one might venture over a little too close... they never did. She has even gone so far as to leave the yard in search of the rabbit, or bird, or cat.... At one time, not long ago there was an old shed to the side of our home, Ivy destroyed the entire bottom of the shed allowing herself inside to hunt for....something. When the shed was finally torn down, rat droppings confirmed her suspicions.

It is no surprise that she finds the birds more interesting than Sensei. A Pekingese rarely worries oneself about such things, we are certainly not going to expend any physical energy on it, that would be a waste of time and effort. What I question is why the others don't share the same intensity towards these things as Ivy. The others here of similar heritage simply walk by the aviary completely ignoring the structure. Perhaps each one of them has their own level of interest and intensity for such things. Although clearly they are all interested in the squirrels, every one of them, except of course, myself.

In a way, Sensei admires their dedication and devotion to to their "work". On the other hand, I also feel as though their time and energy could be better spent on more worthwhile things. To each his own I suppose.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"He is my other eyes that can see above the clouds; my other ears that hear above the winds. He is the part of me that can reach out into the sea. He has told me a thousand times over that I am his reason for being; by the way he rests against my leg; by the way he thumps his tail at my smallest smile; by the way he shows his hurt when I leave without taking him. (I think it makes him sick with worry when he is not along to care for me.) When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive. When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile. When I am happy, he is joy unbounded. When I am a fool, he ignores it. When I succeed, he brags. Without him, I am only another man. With him, I am all-powerful. He is loyalty itself. He has taught me the meaning of devotion. With him, I know a secret comfort and a private peace. He has brought me understanding where before I was ignorant. His head on my knee can heal my human hurts. His presence by my side is protection against my fears of dark and unknown things. He has promised to wait for me... whenever... wherever - in case I need him. And I expect I will - as I always have. He is just my dog."

~Gene Hill

Pekingese Gatherings

My student has arranged for me to host a "meetup" group so that I may interact and visit with others of my kind. She has invited other Pekingese, none as wise as Sensei, but Pekingese just the same to gather and visit with one another.

I quite enjoyed the outing. Sensei rarely experiences the feeling of excitement, but I believe I shall look forward to doing this again. The gathering consisted of several Pekingese aquaintances of mine, as well as a few others I had not yet met.

Mu Shu, the young enthusiastic and at times foolish Pekingese who studied under Sensei for 4 months while living in my home. Sensei taught Mu Shu all about self control and manners which are the lessons that ultimately got him adopted into his forever home. He quite enjoyed socializing and playing with the other Pekingese, or at least trying to get us to play...

Ming Ming, the shy, wallflower of a Pekingese who studied under Sensei over a year ago. Shy, quiet Ming Ming was so afraid when she came to Sensei, but she left here with a new found confidence that is growing all the time. It was quite nice to see her enjoying the visit with her new sense of self.

Yes, all the Pekingese seemed to enjoy the gathering, but perhaps it was the humans that enjoyed it most of all. All were there with the best of intentions of providing their beloved Pekingese with an opportunity to visit with their own. And indeed the Pekingese did appear to fancy their the visit, but Sensei believes that the humans also relished in visiting with others of THEIR own kind. Others who admire the same as themselves, others who admire the Pekingese.

Ah, it was nice to see these former students and to meet others. Yes, I shall look forward to this gathering next month...

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

True compassion is not just an emotional response but a firm commitment founded on reason. Therefore, a truly compassionate attitude towards others does not change even if they behave negatively.

~His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Instruments of the Devil

I possess a beautiful, thick, full, black and tan coat. Much to my dismay my lovely coat requires some care in order to stay so luxurious. One of my students is required to care for my coat which is a task I do not much care for. I enjoy being petted very much. I also enjoy having the very top of my head lightly brushed and I quite like having my ears gently combed. However, working on the back end of my body can be very concerning.

My student uses tools that Sensei calls "Instruments of the Devil" to care for my coat. As much as I know she tries to be gentle, some of these evil contraptions still cause me discomfort.

The worst is the flat, sharp and ever so uncomfortable "slicker brush". It pulls on my coat and scratches against my delicate skin. I have indicated that I do not wish to be brushed with the slicker brush by removing myself from her lap when she attempts to use it. Thankfully, she has agreed to find equipment that is more acceptable to me and more comfortable for my body.

This leads us to the "pin brush" which is a much kinder choice. The pin brush has long, wire pins made for combing through long hair such as my own. I will tolerate use of the pin brush on my body however, if there are any tangles on my rear quarters, I may not allow it forcing her to change strategies. You might say that if I have any tangles at all, she is not doing a very good job of caring for my coat and that there should be consequences for this and you are correct. The consequence is that she will need to be extremely convincing in order for me to allow her to comb them out. She will need to work carefully, slowly and exercise great patience to complete the task. On the other hand, it feels much better when I am all combed out so I will typically permit her to finish, provided she is gentle and careful.

Most of the time she spritzes my coat with a pleasant smelling spray as she combs and brushes me to ensure that she does not damage my coat or cause any breakage. I allow and even enjoy the spritzing provided she is careful not to spray near my large, luminous eyes, which she always is.

Usually, she finishes up my coat care with a comb. The comb is acceptable as long as there are few knots and as long as she combs slowly taking care not to pull on my coat in any way.

I believe we have come to an acceptable arrangement. I will allow her to brush and comb my coat provided she is gentle, careful and uses equipment that does not cause my body discomfort. I am awarded with a lovely, soft, plush coat that is comfortable to live in. What is she rewarded with? She gets to live with and gaze at a creature as lovely as I when my coat is in it's most wonderful condition. An acceptable arrangement indeed.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


All of us must live through ourselves and not through someone else. No one is perfect, we are all works in progress and we must not push others, humans or canines to be more than they are or punish them for being less than perfect. We are all perfect at being ourselves...

Sometimes is never quite enough
If you're flawless, then you'll win my love
Don't forget to win first place
Don't forget to keep that smile on your face

Be a good boy
Try a little harder
You've got to measure up
And make me prouder

How long before you screw it up
How many times do I have to tell you to hurry up
With everything I do for you
The least you can do is keep quiet

Be a good girl
You've gotta try a little harder
That simply wasn't good enough
To make us proud

I'll live for you I'll make you what I never was
If you're the best, then maybe so am I
Compared to him compared to her
I'm doing this for your own damn good
You'll make up for what I blew

What's the problem ...... why are you crying

Be a good boy
Push a little farther now
That wasn't fast enough
To make us happy

We'll love you just the way you are... if you're perfect

~Alanis Morrisette

Developing Self Control

I have many students, both human and canine. An early lesson that my students must learn is that to be successful and content in life, they must learn to have discipline and self control. All creatures, even an Old Master such as myself, must learn to accept frustration and exercise self control. We cannot control everything around us. We cannot control the actions and reactions of others. We cannot control the world, but we can control our responses to those things and learn to accept things as they come.

Young dogs will need to be taught that they must be able to exercise self control and have the patience to wait for things. They must be taught how to focus, think, refrain and be patient. Many dogs will have patient humans who will guide them through this process and help them understand that discipline can be a beautiful thing that leads to an abundance of rewarding surprises and experiences. Those dogs are blessed.

Humans must learn to have self control as they are teaching their dogs this process. They must learn to be patient and to think through their ideas and make themselves clear so that their dogs may have success. They must be reasonable and honest and understand that progress can take time and that their dogs need them to be clear, patient, understanding and thoughtful.

We must all learn to accept frustration and develop the discipline to exercise self control. Wise students will learn to enjoy the process and embrace the rewards of self control. Learning to have self control is the first step in learning to be a content and patient person.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pearls of Wisdom

"We can't sustain a change in behavior if it leaves us hungry, unhappy, angry or resentful."

~David A. Kessler, MD

Thursday, July 30, 2009

You must pay attention to what I say...

I surround myself with students who have a desire and an urge to understand what I am trying to say and who will make an attempt to listen to me, learn from me and work to meet my needs. I, in turn, will work to meet their needs, by providing them with lessons and information that they would not otherwise have access to. I am willing to teach and educate, but they must be willing to listen and they must want to try...

I am a vocal creature. I have no choice but to use this tool to communicate my needs. Long ago when I first came to live with my students I began to use my voice to communicate to them what I needed them to understand. "I am hungry, please feed me now", "Please open the door for me, I would like to come inside", "I would like to be held, lift me onto your lap please" have always been requested by my lovely, soft moans, gurgles and grumbles. They seem to understand and comply immediately. Lately however, there seems to be a miscommunication or a disconnect where one of my students is not complying right away.

My body is delicate and I must tend to it carefully. As of late, my body is telling me that it needs to be nourished earlier than usual. I have been attempting to awaken my student earlier than usual so that she may get up and tend to my breakfast but she is not complying with my wishes, which forces me to raise my voice and nearly demand what I need. Eventually, she complies, sometimes unreasonably frustrated at me for not being able to wait.

I am not complaining, my students are just that, and as their Sensei I have agreed to teach them and I will continue to try to help them understand that they have agreed to this by their earlier actions. One day they will understand that our history and past with each other shape our relationship and that we are both responsible for having built one anothers expectations...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Welcome to my words...

I am Hong Kong Fooey...Honorable Sensei...Old Master. I am a Pekingese. My ancestors were admired for their strong hearts and wise minds. I wish to share my thoughts with you so that you may become wiser and stronger. Welcome to my words...