I apologize that I have not been writing as much lately. Sensei tends to be less motivated during the winter months. I step outside only briefly to "do my business" and then come right back in and curl up in my favorite round donut bed.
I love curling up in my cozy bed. The only thing I don't love is the others constantly walking by and disturbing me. I will admit, when it comes to my space, particularly when I am snuggled in my bed, I have little patience for others walking by. Partially, it is because my vision is quite bad and only getting worse as my condition progresses. So, while they might feel that I am just being grumpy and unreasonable, I am really feeling a bit insecure and uncomfortable because I am easily startled. I am working on this, as I am sure that they are working on not walking as close or invading my space.
Other than that, I am quite enjoying the very cold weather and the holiday season so far. I am very much looking forward to Christmas Eve when I will be fed prime rib and yorkshire pudding. Among my favorites. I wish all of my students a wonderful Christmas!