Tuesday, September 22, 2009


My student is a "dog trainer". What this means is that she schools people on how to effectively teach their dogs. Thankfully, she is committed to accomplishing this task by using only humane, non violent methods. Early on in our relationship we did quite a bit of "training" together. She attempted to teach me to perform a series of simple, yet mindless behaviors such as sitting, which I do quite often on my own without any coaching at all or lying down, which I do even more frequently on my own. I clearly didn't and still don't need instruction on how to place my own body into simple, everyday, comfortable positions, however I entertained the whole thing because I quite enjoyed watching her attempt to get me to do these things when she wanted.

I am impressed at the avenues she took in order to get me do what she wanted. She never attempted to force Sensei. Firstly, that is against her philosophy on how to treat others. Thankfully so as she would have achieved nothing had she tried to use pressure or force with this honorable master. Secondly, she seemed to know that attempting to force Sensei to do anything against my will would be futile.

What she did was simple. She simply did something kind for me in exchange for my doing what she hoped for. Typically, the kindness involved meat of some sort, a bit of chicken or perhaps some roast pork. I quite enjoy a good tidbit, so I complied. There were times when she attempted to push just a bit, such as when she raised the meat over my head to get me to sit. I was a bit insulted by this and left the room. Wisely, she did not attempt again and instead chose to simply wait for Sensei to make a move and then reward me when she felt my choice was acceptable. I quite appreciated that she accommodated Sensei and changed strategies when I indicated her technique wasn't working for me. I showed my appreciation by working to figure out what wanted and complying when I understood.

I found and still find this arrangement quite enjoyable. We don't train together quite as often as we used to due to my impaired vision and her busy schedule, but when we do, we have an enjoyable time together.

It is amusing to think that she believes she is the one doing the training when clearly it is Sensei who is schooling her....