Thursday, February 17, 2011

Rumble Grumble

Last night my students, the others and I were relaxing and enjoying some television together. All of the sudden, there were flashes of light and then the most earth shattering, rumbles and grumbles of noise! It was horrible! Sensei is courageous and brave, but I must admit, I was afraid. I ran screaming to my student and demanded to be picked up. She picked me up immediately and found I was shaking. I was so afraid I cried out and she held and rocked me. She explained that it was okay, only thunder and that she was there. There were no more rumbles after that and she held me until I calmed down. Quite a scare. I do not wish to experience a Thunderstorm again.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Travesty

As I have mentioned before, I am not a fan of dog shows or of beauty contests in general. One should not be judged on their looks alone, but should be judged on who they are inside. Take dog shows, your honorable Sensei is not viewed as "show quality" and so, is not welcome to compete in a dog show, yet I possess more wisdom and charisma than a thousand "show quality" Pekingese. Not that I am one to brag, but it's quite true. But, I digress.....

While I am not a fan, I do occasionally fancy watching a dog show on television now and again. I made the mistake of spending the last evening watching the Westminster Kennel Club show. At first, when the Pekingese Malachy won the Toy Group I was quite pleased and thought that I might actually enjoy this, until he was robbed of the Best in Show award! It was a travesty, clearly he was the best dog there, he is, of course, a Pekingese. So say Sensei.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Close Call

She trapped and bathed four of the others today. Sensei only narrowly avoided being number five! So say Sensei!