Thursday, September 2, 2010
A Basset? Seriously?
Wait until you hear what she has done now. My adoring student can make some downright stupid decisions for such an intelligent human. This time her heart has completely disregarded her head when she brought home a 3 1/2 month old puppy. A Basset Hound mix puppy no less! The animal in question is Jenny, a young puppy who has had a rough start in life. Her mother, a purebred Basset Hound wandered into someone's yard and gave birth to a litter of puppies. Two days later she and her littermates were taken to the local animal shelter. Shortly after that they went to their first foster home. Jenny's mother was not particularly interested in her puppies or caring for them which was too much for the foster home so off they went to their second foster home where they were to stay until they were old enough to go to suitable permanent homes. This poor pup had a pretty rough start, but was so desirable looking that she was quickly chosen by a family looking for their first dog. Despite the fact that Jenny was cowering and afraid, they chose her. By the second day after she had began growling at the family and friends and had a frightening episode at the vet they realized that she wasn't the puppy for them. Enter my student.... She was contacted to evaluate the puppy and Jenny came here and is here to stay, at least for a while. She is doing much better, but it still a very fragile and fearful little thing. Sensei is trying to be patient and compassionate, but puppies...ggrrrrrrrrr. She has a lot to learn about Sensei's space and boundaries! That will come with time and lessons from Sensei I suppose.