Tuesday, March 9, 2010
My students have decided that Sensei shall not be permitted to "snark" at the others when they annoy me. Isn't that just delightful? Can you imagine? The new "plan" is that when one of the thoughtless clods that I live with walk past me and I warn them to move away, I - me - Sensei will be escorted into the other room to sit alone. Am I at fault for wanting my own space? I'll admit that some might feel that a 3 foot radius is unreasonable, I, however find it quite acceptable given my failing eyesight and general superior existence. Perhaps they should work harder to accommodate Sensei? Perhaps they should move away at my slightest glance. Perhaps they should simply stay out of the room when I am not feeling my best. We shall see if they continue to enforce this nonsense. For getting up and removing is a quite expensive behavior physically when one would prefer to continue relaxing, we will see if they are willing to continue to remove me. I suppose if they DO stick with this new plan, Sensei may have to consider relaxing my boundaries just a bit to keep the peace. We shall see.....